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Home » 2010 » Februarie » 10 » 3rd International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors
3rd International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors
Welcome to MedEspera 2010!

Web-site: MedEspera

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 3rd International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, MedEspera-2010, that will be held on May 19–21, 2010, within the State Medical and Pharmaceutical University „Nicolae Testemitanu”, in Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova.

This significant event will gather students, residents, interns and young doctors under 35 years of age, from Moldova and countries abroad.

The Congress includes a large series of workshops and distinct conferences.

The scientific papers can belong to any of the following specialities:

Human Anatomy; Human Genetics; Histology, Cytology, Embryology; Molecular Biology; Biochemistry; Human Physiology; Pathomorphology; Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery; Microbiology, Immunology, Virology; Pharmacology; Pharmacy; Pathophysiology; Radiology and Imagistics; Traumatology, Orthopedics; Ophthalmology; Urology; Phthisiology; Internal Medicine; Surgery; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Neurology; Toxicology; Dermatovenerology; Endocrinology; Oncology; Otorhinolaryngology; Hematology; Pediatrics; Resuscitation and Anesthesiology; Dental Medicine; Clinical Immunology, Allergology; Sexopathology; Infectious Diseases, Parasitology; Psychiatry; Public Health; Nursing; Forensic Medicine; Medical Emergencies; Neonatology, Perinatology; Pediatric Surgery; Neurosurgery.

The participants of the Congress will also benefit of a unique social program through which they can discover the true national values of the Republic of Moldova.

The registration is on-line only and the deadline is April 10, 2010.

Looking forward to seeing you at our Congress!Ion Ababii Stanislav Grosu

Category: Anunţuri | Views: 984 | Added by: Atokirina | Tags: congres | Rating: 5.0/1
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